Like a mediaeval dungeon set deep in the bowels of a castle, all metal grating, thick stone walls, flaming torches, bones, and unsavoury sour water. The setting for Monsters Unchained is a dank, heavy location, a sort of oubliette, where people, things, or… monsters are put and forgotten about.
The reason why is because the three monsters in the game each bring a different modifier to the table, and unchaining them as much as possible can lead to greater potency in their effects. Where were we? Oh yeah, in Monsters Unchained, an online slot from Red Tiger, players will want to unchain these beasties as much as possible.
If there were monsters in the world, in the fantastical sense of the word, the last thing anyone would want to do is unchain them, right? That is unless the person in question is bent on world destruction or at least terrorising portions of the general population with creatures with big pointy claws and supernatural powers.